
Ever since I can remember, I wanted to do something to make a positive difference in the world in a big way.  Some of my personal interests include world events, politics, spirituality, and living a holistic lifestyle. It has at times been a challenge to merge my interests, as spirituality generally doesn't mix with politics.

Over the years, I have considered several options to implement my ideas, ranging from helping people individually, to running for public office (President of the United States in the 2016 election).  As time goes on, I continue to fine-tune and narrow down what I am here on earth to do on a daily basis.

Some issues that I feel need to be addressed on a global scale are: monetary system, homelessness, violence (specifically, as a result of the prison system and rehabilitation), education system, western medicine and healthcare, diet, lifestyle, agriculture, big pharma, corporation control.. etc...

My approach to help with fixing these things is currently at the individual level first with myself, friends, family, clients, and each person I get a chance to talk their ear off. 

Part of me just wants to run away and go be a hermit in the middle of the woods and never look back, but then there is this other side that says I would be lonely and feel I wasn't living up to what I came here to do this lifetime.  So my compromise is my Gaian Progeny project.

The idea is to go live in the middle of nowhere while surrounded by those I love. A true community. Then eventually branch out to multiple locations so I can travel among them.. because I get antsy if I have to stay in one place for too long.  There is so much to see in this world. My theory is that we are not trees.. we can move.

I tried for the last year to start this project by going on the road and travelling to people who had similar interests and ideas. I tried several times to get the communities up and running.  For whatever reason, it just didn't pan out.  I thought I would settle in Arizona, but then I felt it was time to come back to Florida.

For the last few months I have been trying to figure out where to go from here and then decided to open up the wellness center. Technically a compromise from what I really want, but a viable stepping stone that I will enjoy doing whole heartedely for at least the next year.

I have had a crazy life.  In many ways, I have made it harder than it needed to be because I always follow my heart first and foremost.  It has caused problems, but that is because things that are heart based are not societlly accepted or encouraged.  That doesn't make them wrong. If something is right in your heart, it can not be wrong.

I have always gotten up more than I fall down, always striving to be a better version of myself. I continually find my experiences are so subtly interconnected with others that I do believe the web of life will bring me back to what is truely meant for me, where I need to be, and surounded by those who are meant to be there.

If you share a similar vision, I'd love to hear about it. If you are a part of my journey, thank you for being there, I hope we have been good to each other. But if not, at least we have something that makes this hell hole more interesting.


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