Psychics Can be Wrong (and still talented)

This is something that I have had on my mind for a while. And coming from someone who is technically a psychic, the title might be a shock or a surprise to some of you (nevermind, I actually changed the original title which was meant to be an eye catcher).

But what I want to portray here, over my 14+ years of involvement with the psychic community, is what I have experienced and learned in relation to the accuracy of psychic messages and information on a whole. 

Having said that, I am NOT saying that all psychics are wrong or that all information given from any psychic is false, but instead I will explain how psychic information works general, and how the information may in fact be incorrect. So let's start with the first portion which is about psychics in general, not about the information itself. 

Range of types of psychics:

1. "Closet intuitive"

These are people who often don't even realize they are psychic. They are someone who you are friends with who just seems to always have good advice and you may in fact be one of these people. It's like they always have the right thing to say to help you get through whatever crisis you're dealing with at the time and after you get done talking with them you feel so much better. These people are usually highly empathic and if they don't know it, it causes a lot of problems for them because you if you are feeling better after talking to them, you are probably an energy vampire knowingly or unknowingly, and you probably dump all your crap on them, thus you feel better -but they don't. Unless they know how to shield from energy, they are drained in social situations, can't think when they go to the grocery store, highly affected by movies, music, and your drama. I could keep going but if you want more information on this, just look up "empathy signs" and you'll find a whole bunch on it. But the takeaway here is, your friend that gives great advice is the free psychic in hiding that you never knew or gave credit to, and is always just a phone call away, probably has better advice for you then going and paying for a psychic reading. There are limitations to this, considering they might be biased when they know all your story, but overall there are so many closet psychics out there, it's unbelievable.

2. "The psychic down the street shop, psychic fair, or phone hotline" 

These are the people that you go to on a whim, they have the neon palm reading sign in their window and they are very vague their information they gave you, are kind of helpful, but you walk out of there thinking if that was really worth it. 

They tell you some stuff that makes you believe they are credible but also some stuff that is pretty far fetched. You're so distracted by all the varying information that you forget that what you actually went in there to get more information on never really got brought up. And you walk out of there thinking, "Well that didn't really answer my question, I think I just wasted my money." 

My article talking about how psychics are wrong actually has nothing to do with this type of psychic or their information - although I might touch on it briefly later on, my information actually has more to do with the next category of psychics.

Very briefly I want to say that type of psychic usually caters to those who are in a crisis situation and need to talk. It is funny as a reader just how many clients have spent 95% of the reading time on venting as opposed to me giving them psychic information. I feel we are a form of therapist most of the time. This type of psychic is usually the first experience people have with the psychic community. They also get the worst rep. due to a few bad apples. 

3. "Intuitive readers"

OK, now as a psychic myself, this is the category I and most of my peers fall under. I have developed a lot of relationships with other like-minded intuitive readers over the last few years. And as a collective, we generally will trade readings for each other in order to answer the issue of it being difficult to read for yourself and also to save money for each other. 

It's also good practice and very fun to trade and compare notes and get ideas and inspiration. If you are sick of paying for readings, the very best I can give you is to become an intuitive reader yourself.

Having said that, people who call themself intuitive reader, generally are very varying in skill levels, so I'm going to break this down further: 

A. "Card picker"

The most common one is someone who reads oracle cards that have words on the cards already and they basically will pick a card and reveal it to you and those words on the card are meant to be your answer. It's the same as if you would have that deck of cards and pull your own card and read it yourself. The advantage is that they aren't biased in picking yourself and revealing the card to you, so it's easier to trust it. Some offer readings where they have 3 cards and you pick your one of those three and they reveal it to you. 

B. "Book reader"

A step up from the last one, these will read the description of the card in the book and type it up for you verbatim.

Note: Literally anyone can do A or B to read for yourself and/or your friends. However, I would not market myself as an intuitive reader for hire if I were in Category A or B solely, that's just me personally. I have done a lot of trades where the other reader is in that category, and I'm okay with it because I can infer my own intuitive message, but it is definitely preferred for me to trade with someone who is also at least on my level if not on one of the more advanced levels which I will get to shortly. If you are finding yourself in category 1 as I stated above -someone who is a closet psychic- getting an oracle deck with words on the front can really help you hone in on, or begin to fine tune your intuitive nature a little more before you get to the next stages that I am about to describe. Picking an Oracle deck with words on it is the easy part, finding the right one for you is the fun part. 

I highly suggest looking for one with a paragraph on the front that the overall design speaks to you, and that you will really love it to death, and then sticking with it and getting to know it really well. Don't go desperately searching, the right one will find you, there are so many cute or beautiful decks, unfortunately people kind of stick with the main authors because those are the ones our friends get kind of like a brand name. I personally like to go off the beaten path and get a deck that no one is really into.

C. "Card Venturer"

These ones will look at the card or the book and kind of skim over it, but then use their intuition to give you a message based on what they are thinking it is pertaining to and advice based on their gut feeling of what they think you need to know at that moment. They might be using decks that don't have any words on the front at all. If you are A or B currently, try to get here :)

D. "Card Pro"

They're probably using a traditional tarot deck or oracle cards that have no words on them and they're either so familiar with the deck or just their own intuition that their cards are merely a tool to both help them and you bridge the gateway between the information, but really they probably don't even need to use cards they just either do it out of habit or on client request.

E. "Gimme something.."

These readers request either a picture or your full name or date of birth or some combination thereof. They might ask you to think of a number between 1 and something or your favorite color. Either way, they ask you for some sort of information in order for them to read you as they say it helps them connect better or to read they need to be able to see the eyes of the person they are reading about or for.

F. "Look Ma, no hands!"

These readers use no tools, they basically just get the information from their own conscious connection. It can be in the form of mediumship or intuitive psychic in general, the information they get varies, but the point is they're not using any props whatsoever.

Now I'm going to explain how the information from a psychic can be off. This may or may not be new information to you. If you, yourself are a reader, it might be enlightening, as sometimes we don't know why we get inaccurate information for each other or for our clients. So I hope this will help shed some light on the phenomena of false psychic information.

1. "Time travel"

OK, look.. I'm not going to get all weird on you and say that psychics have a time machine or anything, so just hear me out. Basically most people somewhere along the line realize that time is not as linear as we once thought. Usually it's not the clients in duress who know this yet, but the readers. And so, as a reader, it's hard to explain to a client who is still in a linear timeline mentality that time is in fact very weebly wobbly, changeable, and as such.. predictions are merely guesses based on your current path that you are on right now. 

2. "Think big picture"

However, having said that, the fact that you are today receiving intuitive information from "the universe" will most likely alter your path trajectory from what it was before you got this information, and so you are literally only being told what it is you need to hear in order to put you on the path which will help you achieve your goals and desires according to what is best for you AND all others involved. 

The universe is not biased, it does not take sides, therefore when you go to a psychic to have a reading, the universe considers you are a part of the greater whole and will thus give you information that will contribute to your involvement in "the mission" in which you are here to take part of. Since you aren't tapped into your own inner knowing yet, the universe is "using" the psychic to tell you what you need to hear.

3. "Anomolies"

When things happen that can't be explained, many turn to a psychic for answers. Some will say there's a lesson in which you need to experience. Some say karma. Some say dark forces/ dark energy. And other variations of these things. 

But really it's all however you want to perceive the fact that -yes, bad things do happen to good people and no one really knows why because we only have a portion of the whole picture. So until we die and assume that we will be shown more than we know now, we just have to chalk into up to, "There is something outside(universe)/ inside(soul) of me that is greater than myself(brain)." Or as OSHO stated in his intuition book, "Something has happened that is  beyond me."

If you can accept that fact alone, you're going to get much farther than any logically thinking fact based person living in this world. People who are solely intellectual fact finders are what in the spiritual community we usually call "asleep." 

People who are actively seeking out "beyond" knowledge and are in acceptance of the fact that there are things out there that cannot be explained and they are not skeptical to the point where they're so shut off from any form of mystery or magic.. have all the potential in the world to change their lives positively. To live a life of wonder and beauty and love. 

But that is not to say that the road will be easy and that there will never be thunderstorms, that no one that they love will die or experience hardships. It's just the fact that if you choose to under take a spiritual mission during this lifetime, the odds are much higher in your favor that you will at least be on your deathbed and say I lived a life that was worth it, I have no regrets, and I did the best I could. Which is all any of us can do. 

So it might seem like I went on a bit of a tangent there, but what I'm trying to say is that sometimes a psychic will tell you information that is in fact a straight up lie and/or false because it is for a reason -as much as I hate to say it or admit that it is true. 

And not just myself, but many of my peers can vouch for this having happened to them personally as they are intuitive, they were blocked from their own information, they saught out the advice of a peer who tells them something that came to be not true and why this happens is very confusing and frustrating for the reader who gave the info. 

It might just be too new to ascertain why it happened yet. But perhaps in this lifetime, in hindsight, they will look back and say, "Oh now I get it, I see the reason why I was told that incorrect information so that I acted accordingly to that information and how I might have acted differently with the truth that would have put me on a completely different path and would have perhaps not brought me to the point of where I needed to be."

4. "Frauds"

Are they out there? Sure, but I don't want to talk about it. They're the ones that give us good guys a bad name and I even heard fellow peers saying, "I don't charge for my services and I don't think others should either therefore, anyone who charges for services is a fraud." I am going to tell you right now that not only do I not agree with that whatsoever, there are several articles I can reference that very wonderfully explain that being a misguided concept, and I too have actually written about that topic myself and will link to it when I get a chance to. 

But for right now, let me just say that of course not all psychics are frauds and just because they charge you for money doesn't make them a fraud either, but you definitely can weed out who is not a good reader if you use your own discernment and intuition. 

5. "The gifted misconception" 

I want to touch lightly on this as it kind of piggybacks number 4. Basically there is this idea that people who are psychic are special or gifted. But that is not true, in fact every single person on the planet Earth has the ability to be intuitive/psychic, however, especially at first, it can be very subtle until you fine tune it and work to develop it. So a lot of people think that psychics are born that way or that the talent they have just came to them naturally (and that does happen but it more likely over years of use and development).
Face it, even though everybody has intuition, most of the people walking around this planet aren't using it. Whether in hunches or signs, they just dismissed it as coincidence, and it takes literally divine intervention for these people to see something outside of their own reality.

Generally the category 2 psychics who have the phone hotline or the neon sign up in a shop, are there to make money and will have no hesitation on you coming back as a repeat client for years. Some are legitimately frauds who scam by claiming you have to pay tons of money to remove a curse and keep coming back. If you ignore your gut telling you to ruuunnn.. You either get duped, or can't afford it it and genuinely are scarred from this. 

Most psychics in category 3 come to the point where they find them self going from being a psychic to a position of teaching or coaching and guiding others to be more intuitive themselves and for clients to help themselves instead of relying on someone else. I personally teach how to self read and intuition development on a Facebook group as well as offer life coaching and other spiritual services that are designed to help empower the individual and not to have them rely on me for life. 

Having said that, each client is based on a case by case situation some are so very new to spirituality that they need a little bit more assistance at first and some just kind of need to be informed that the training wheels have already been off for a while and they just need that confidence boost. 

Last thing I want point out is in regards to the authenticity of the actual reader. It is my belief that when choosing a spiritual mentor for yourself, it is not as important to look at their life and judge them on their life style as much as you would think. The idea of practice what you preach vs. do what I say not what I do, is something that in the psychic community spiritual community is very understated and misunderstood.

Specifically, say you go to a psychic about your love life and come to find their love life is not ideal. Does that say you shouldn't trust their relationship advise? I would say no, because if they are not living idealy to your standards, maybe you need to redefine your standards of what being spiritual actually means. You don't know the struggles that they deal with, the reasons why they're going through what they're going through.. perhaps they are going through something in order to better be able to identify with their clientele. Perhaps they are going through something because they are choosing to experience that. 

You just don't know and they likely don't either. Because although they can give you the greatest reading in the world (false info aside), it is really hard to read for yourself. Which is why so many of us trade with each other. And that's why I teach how to self read. 

Because it's really hard to be unbiased, take your ego out of the question, and hear what your spirit has to say to yourself and trust it to be accurate and true, especially when it seems obscure or far fetched.

If readers don't have a network of like-minded peers they might find themself going without their own information and just helping others. Yeah, they might be a mess. 

As long of somebody is continually striving to be a better version of themself than they were yesterday, that is my definition of a spiritual person. I don't care if they believe in Buddha, Jesus, or the sun god. I don't care if their life is in disarray or if they live in a mansion. All I care about is that that person is actively working to better themselves continually, that alone will make them a character of a higher standard then somebody who is greedy for money, ego or any of these other things that could be an issue. So consider when choosing a reader if they are working toward self improvement or not.

In conclusion, this was a spur of the moment article, it is possible that I will go to revise it as information comes to me in the future, but at this time I feel it is pretty solid and has included all the information that I intended on sharing today. And if you are interested in leaning more, don't hesitate to contract me directly. 

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